"That's what science is" - Alberta PM Cherry-picks reality
<Insert ALL the expletives here> Daniele Smith.
I read this article. I'll admit, I did not go in with an open mind. For context, the Premiere commissioned a report with the parties conducting it chosen seemingly for their compliance with her beliefs. This is not really anything new in the political sphere but the complete and utter lack of any veneer or sanity is at least somewhat novel.
Following this up by claiming that they are unsure what advice they will follow is even more insane. But nothing beats the gem that is the quote "That's what science is".
The quote applies to what she calls "listening to all voices". I hate to break it to you Premiere, but NO that is NOT what science is. At least not with any semblance of context. While science may be open to exploring "contrary" theories, "science" would also NOT fund a report to lend validity to things ALREADY DISPROVED BY SCIENCE.
Science has no obligation to consider things already proven false. So, no Ms. Smith, in this particular case, science would NOT listen to these voices. Science already listened and tested these voices in past and they were proven to be BS.
"Alternative health" is just holistic medicine which in turn is just fantasy medicine. And yes, this is generalizing. Nothing in this sphere will cure an existing illness or prevent spread of disease. At best, holistic solutions are so ineffective that AT BEST they MAY (as in not statistically likely) help you if you are already healthy by boosting immune responses (again, not by any margin that will likely make much of a difference against any aggressive infection).
Science may LISTEN to all sides. But science, like the actual, real thing, you know, the SCIENTIFIC PROCESS, absolutely DOES NOT actually IMPLEMENT or ACCEPT things which scientific testing does not support. This report and it's findings for example. They are NOT supported by science. And thus accepting these outcomes and implementing them IS NOT SCIENCE.
Anyone who accepts this utter non-sense is dumbed for having heard and accepting it. YOU ARE BEING MANIPULATED.
Clearly, I am frustrated. I feel that frustration is well deserved. Rant over.
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