SkyConnect not working well? Check your WiFi devices.
Interesting piece here for other potentially. I got a SkyConnect for my birthday and quickly switched all of my devices over from my IKEA hub to this. Everything was working pretty well.
Until I bought Diablo IV.
My wife is upstairs in the room and all of a sudden the smart lights aren't working. 9/10 times the buttons do nothing. The other 1/10 times not all of the devices respond. I try the remotes in my office. Some are as close as about 4ft away from the dongle. More devices work more often. But, even in the same room I'm maybe getting all devices responding only 1/10 to 1/5 of the time.
Seems weird. But, I had recently stopped my Home Assistant container from rebooting daily. So I figured that must be it. Reboot. Nothing improves. Reboot the whole server. Still nothing.
Turns out my downstairs computer downloading Diablo IV was the problem. If it is running a heavy download it breaks the Zigbee network. I checked that they were on different channels. WiFi is on 1 and Zigbee is on 11. Sounds good, but it turns out that they don't agree on what those numbers mean. Zigbee channel 11 is pretty much smack in the middle of WiFi channel 1.
I'll need to check later if I can shift my WiFi to a different channel later.
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