Low Code and No Code.

So, I've started a new side project inspired by low/no code, but not actually doing either. Until I'm ready to publish something I won't disclose the name, but the popularity of low/no code is an interesting topic on an almost parallel track to something I've been passionate about for some time. 

To me, no/low code seem like an attempt to solve a problem which almost exists. Or rather, a partial solution to a real problem, architected to extract as much money as possible out of people for as long as possible. They give a quick and dirty solution to a problem, but in return leave you bound and shackled to an eco-system. 

To me it says "hey I can't think of any other way to monetize this". Which is BS. You have a team of developers who were capable of creating such a system. And no such system is ever going to be "complete enough". So, sooner or later you will have demand to have your developers (who should be the supreme authority and experts) to either train or do the development work for other companies. A proposition which should be much more lucrative than a subscription. 

No code I can understand. This is for quick projects and/or teams which lack the technical expertise. The eco-system tie-in is pretty easy to understand and accept. And there are generally going to be some decently large limitations as well. But, in return you also get to blame everything on the provider; not only do you have no control over the code generated, but you're likely also paying regularly to maintain access. 

Low code on the other hand has the same flaws. You get the tie ins, the subscriptions and the limitations. The only extra you get is that were it is lacking, you MIGHT be able to extend it yourself. 

What other option is there beyond writing all of the code? Well, code generation for one. I'm sure it isn't the only answer. I mean, this is technically what good SDKs do all day long. They spew out a starting point and then have other little tools, macros, etc... to help generate code as you go along. And at the end, you own the code.

So, my answer is; a generalized SDK as a Platform. A tool that can produce a starting point and then additional templates for an unspecified number of languages. It can do more than that (and will). But the key is that it addresses what low code platforms do by way of providing a solution that can generate an entire functioning application in seconds. 

But, what it generates is a full project, just like any other SDK. And thus, you can own the solution. Once you've generated your solution you can take it and walk away. Or you can change the templates and regenerate within the tool. Or use it alongside other tooling and take advantage when it makes sense.

Do I expect to make a ton of money? Nope. While I think it is a concept which could be VERY profitable, I'm not that type of person. And, my solution likely won't be the best implementation. Largely, I'm just hoping to influence the direction of things a bit. I believe that this is the right solution to move the industry forward. Low code shouldn't mean sacrificing quality or code ownership.


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