Making progress and feeling good!

So, my Crunchyroll Plugin for Jellyfin is working now! And it no longer creates a new session every single time it connects. Which will hopefully save me from being logged out of my devices after each coding session.

For whatever reason I need to force the thing into transcoding the m3u8 it gets from Crunchyroll using FFMpeg. I accidentally stumbled on this, and then because of caching ended up not being able to figure out which change made it happen for another half a day. Turns out, it was setting the Channel Item Info to flag it as a live stream.

With that in place I can then just hand Jellyfin the URL for the m3u8 and it handles everything beautifully. Feeling pretty good.

The best part is, now I'm even less reliant on funky FFMpeg commands of my own, and less dependent on code supplied by others. So, there is a better chance that I will end up posting this code publicly on GitHub or the likes later down the road.

Ultimately though, the best part is that the wins just keep on rolling in. A major reason I haven't contributed much to open source projects is because I have also not had a history of doing much worth contributing. I do small projects which die immediately after the PoC stage. I haven't had the level of motivation that I've had lately to carry them through to something actually worth putting out there.

Anyway, it all still feels a ways off. And I won't feel any less happy even if I decide that this stays private. But, with the heavy lifting finished the rest is just "fit and polish". There is a lot of that sort of work, but I could even see myself putting this out into the community as is. It is close enough now that even someone with a rough idea of what they wanted could tweak the solution.


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