Should Doug Ford resign over COVID response? I don't think so.

I'm definitely not a Conservative and definitely not a Conservative fan. But that doesn't mean that I think that Ford should resign over the COVID response.

Why? Well, firstly, is there any reason to believe that another party leader would have done objectively better? I don't think so. Neither nationally nor internationally have leaders reliably performed better than our Premiere. I'm not, by any means, praising Doug Ford or saying he couldn't have done better. CLEARLY he could have.

What I am saying is that most leaders have made similar mistakes. There are almost no exceptions globally regardless of how they lean politically. And the exceptions which do exist can also in part attribute their success to geography and demographics. Australia and New Zealand for instance are island nations and Atlantic Canada has substantially lower population density. And even Atlantic Canada has seen similar COVID waves.

Resignation of an elected official should be reserved for egregious failures. And all I'm saying is that the Ford failure on COVID is par for the course. It is MILES better than Jason Kenney's response.

Likewise, many called for Trudeau's resignation over vaccines. But, while some bad bets were made on the vaccine front, it has been largely accepted that the Federal government handled the pandemic reasonably well. There hasn't been anything here which is egregious in any manner. 

And, the governments job, believe it or not, is about more than just the pandemic. They were elected to deal with other things. And while I disagree with Doug Ford, I can't deny that he was elected to be in this role. Meaning that quite a large number of my fellow Ontarians agreed with his vision of Ontario. That is how the democratic process here works. Suck it up. 

Bitching and moaning about his COVID performance as a reason for him to resign is pathetic. A) he isn't going to take the bait and B) an election, especially one seen as forced by outside powers is likely to see him re-elected and just further divide people.

As we saw with Trump, if the performance really was bad enough and/or he has nothing else going for him he will be voted out in the next election cycle. 

And that is how politics, generally, should be dealt with. At the polls.


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