Do you have the right to not get vaccinated?
Legally, I'm sure this will receive clarity over time. I'm not sure really. But, ethically speaking, I think that yes, people should have the right to refuse vaccination. And, while I may not be certain on the legalities, I suspect that the right to refuse service to those who are un-vaccinated will be upheld as a legitimate public health interest. At least so long as herd immunity is not achieved or until mortality and hospitalization rates drop due to improvements in treatments or a weakening of the main viral strains.
Anyway, the question being asked more broadly is actually an altogether different question; "Do I have the right to refuse a vaccine AND retain the same access to public services as vaccinated individuals?"
And I suggest this because I have yet to encounter a single person protesting masks, restrictions or vaccinations who aren't already in the process of violating the broader public's right to safety. There are regular outbreaks at public outlets and large scale protests held unmasked at the risk of police and security and general concerns about "vaccine passports".
The only people who should be worried about vaccine passports are those who can't, for health reasons, receive a vaccine. Anyone else expressing a concern is proving that this is not just about what they put into their body. They want to refuse a vaccination AND continue to put the broader public at increased risk because of that refusal.
And so, ethically, I think the answer when you add that extra condition is no.
Having control over your body is not the same as there being no consequences for the decisions you make.
Similarly, I think it will likely be upheld, at least temporarily, that work places have a right to demand employees be vaccinated if they work in certain enclosed environments, work with high risk individuals or have high public exposure.
The impact of COVID-19 has been so broad that the measures which I think could withstand legal scrutiny, for at least the next 1-3 years are so extensive that the number of people likely to be comfortable with the potential restrictions associated with being un-vaccinated is likely very low. Much lower than even the vocal minority protesting what is going on.
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