
 It's late. I can't sleep. So, I'll empty my mind here.

Japanese is ongoing. Translated my first song in a while. As usual, I managed to choose something with a more poetic use of the language. モールス by Halo at Yojohan. As best as I can tell, it is a hauntingly sweet song of sorts. But, due to the aforementioned poetic nature... I could be totally off. Maybe I'll post the translation and comment on my thoughts.

Also, 3D printing is fun. Finally getting the hang of the new setup. Installed the new thermistor and flashed some custom firmware on it. But, also learning that the community isn't always so great. So a post on Facebook where someone was asking questions about a conversion to Direct Drive. I was interested. One guy came in and basically said "If you wanted a direct drive printer you should have bought one".

I disagree. Doing that teaches you nothing. Also, there are a great many reasons why a person who wants a direct drive 3D printer doesn't buy one. The obvious ones being, this is their first printer and the term previously had no meaning and that style seems more focused on enthusiasts and the cost shows.

So yeah, translation I guess. Here is what I got. It isn't a very literal translation as that wouldn't come across well in English. Also, I know it isn't perfect even accounting for that.


0から1へ物語は進む いつからか途絶えた応答

遠い星まで届くのだろうか これは或る交信の記録

The story continues from the beginning toward the end. A recording of a transmission.

A reply cut off who knows how long ago. Perhaps reaching distant planets.

街には飛び交う目に見えない信号 かつてそろを感情と呼んだ

声を失くした僕らの頭上を 等速度で駆け巡る微弱な振動

Invisible signs flying around this town. Subtle vibrations passing over our heads at constant speed.

The voices which carried those emotions, silenced long ago.*

選ばれた僕らじゃないとしても 君が名を呼んでくれるなら

繋いだ記号ほら何度も 応答するよその声だけを頼りに

Even though we weren't chosen, if you call my name**

Over and over, the signals connect us. Always responding, that voice is the only thing I rely on

ラジオが告げる遠い星の悲報 燃える街逃げ惑う人

僕にはまるで作り話の様で 胸が痛むただそれだけ

The radio broadcasts a sad story about a distant planet of people trying to flee a burning city

To me it seems like a made up story, my heart just aches.

またひとつ 願いは墜えて掛ける星もない この手で守るものはあるか

I have one more wish. That no more stars come crashing down. Isn't there anything I can save?***

衛星が僕らを遠ざけて どれほどまで近付いても

鳴り響いた音SOS 助けを呼ぶその声を今辿って

Even as I draw closer, the satellite keeps us apart.

Following that voice calling out for help, the sound of that SOS reverberating.

互いの座標を確かめ合って その距離を初めて知る

離れていくほど思いは募ること 君の手に触れて知ったよ

Together, verifying the co-ordinates, I finally know how far apart we are.

As I go further, the sensation grows stronger. I knew I had reached you.

微かでも多くの信号が 君の胸で煌めいている

そのすべてじゃ足りないものを この声ならば伝えられると

The faint but many signals of your spirit shine through

If only my voice could reach you with these faint signs.****

選ばれた僕らじゃないとしても まだ君の声が聞こえるよう

束ねた記号ほらなんどでも 通信機などかなぐり捨てて

Even though we didn’t chose this, I can still here your voice.

Clusters of signals repeating, cast aside the radio.

託された今日醒めないあすへ この声ならば君とならば行ける

Entrusted with today, into to the tomorrow won't come. As long as I can hear this voice. As long as you are there, I will go.

ずっと距離が離れたって きっとそばに

Though the distance always kept us apart, surely you were with me.


End Transmission. 



 * When I first tried translating this I got a jumble of sentences. I feel confident about the general concept being conveyed here. But, I took some liberties in rearranging things in English until I got something which felt right.

** I still don't fully get what this is trying to say. Literal translations from Japanese are painful because you need to assume context to do that, and if you're gotten the context of something wrong you can be rather screwed. And I feel like that is what happened here. I flubbed something contextually during the translation. But, I just can't figure it out. There is definitely something about not having chosen or been chosen and and something about "you" calling a name.

*** I couldn't really find 墜えて in any dictionary. And Googling even just that short excerpt just brings up a definition of 墜, some other article and then the lyrics to this song. But, since it means to crash, or fall it seems to make sentence in the context of what happened in the prior verse and with the wish. 

**** Another case where I took some artistic license. It starts off with something like "all of those insufficient things". And while Japanese may give no Fs about supply context, I felt like English wouldn't be happy without something to help cement the meaning down a bit.

So, what I think is, this is a song about someone in space who stumbles across an SOS which keeps repeating, revealing a story of a tragedy. The person becomes fixated on trying to save someone. Anyone. From this tragedy. As they get closer it seems as though they will make. But, it becomes clear that they are now doomed as well. However, through the experience they feel like they are connected and it is OK. They will reach them even if it isn't in this life.

But, could be WAY wrong.


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