At height of the first wave I saw post after post of people ineptly claiming that Influenza was worse than COVID-19. And I saw many of the same people scream bloody murder at WHO and governments around the globe for using the scientific process, which necessitates re-evaluating your stance as new evidence comes in. And these communities PUBLICLY ACKNOWLEDGED that their stance had changed, and even why it had changed. And that just made the screaming louder.
As COVID-19 cases continue to mount, and deaths continue to mount and it continually out paces most causes of death worldwide, those people are silent.
Where is YOUR accountability?
YOU screamed into the void that COVID-19 wasn't so dangerous. YOU advocated for people to ignore public health experts. YOU WERE WRONG.
And you were NOT wrong because you were following the scientific method. You were ignoring professionals. You drew conclusions you were unqualified to make. You thought common sense had value that exceeded rigorous experimentation and study. And you were dead wrong.
I have seen ZERO apologies. I haven't even seen a shred of acceptance of the vile lies spewed during those times.
And now, as the very same measures which have only been effective in slowing the spread of the coronavirus have brought influenza rates to near historic lows it is COMPLETELY UNDENIABLE. Influenza is a joke by comparison. And lets not get this wrong... influenza is absolutely not a joke. Prior to COVID it killed a great many people every year. That is how much of a non-comparison this is. That a virus which killed thousands and hospitalized orders or magnitude more every year is naught but a footnote next to COVID-19.
Don't talk to me about expectations on transparency and accountability until you can prove you actually comprehend what those words mean.
Because, while yes, there have been governments which have not been the most forthcoming. With the notable exception of the US under President Trump, most world leaders and governments have actually been rather accountable and transparent.
I certainly have my points of contention. Even with the handling by the WHO at times. But, at the same time, I cannot necessarily fault them either. For, at least they provided the rationale behind their decisions and when the evidence and corpus of knowledge indicated clearly they were wrong, they admitted it, and they adjusted their recommendations.
Your politicians and medical professionals are people. Just like you. If you aren't accountable yourself and you can even properly identify accountability when it is present, then it seems shallow and short sighted to expect it from others.
I know the tone of the first part of this wasn't very forgiving. And I admit, I struggle with how to get the message out. Reality isn't a series of transient moments. What you've said and done in the past affect lives. If you're going to use social media to make a point, then you need to be willing to concede to the same standards of accountability which you expect from others. Don't make a statement if you're not willing to proactively take it back when you are proven wrong.
"Be the change you want to see in the world."
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