Political correctness.
During my 5 years in University I took many classes on many subjects. One such class brought up the question of what is "right". And what is "normal". It turns out, these words aren't fixed concepts. Same with what it means to be "crazy". By and large these all refer to different facets of the same concept; how far something drifts from what is widely accepted by society.
If cancel culture and political correctness are "taking over" they can really only do this with overwhelming support from society as a whole. The will of the minority has no power. The will of most individuals is completely ignored.
So, if these concepts are keeping you up at night or bothering you it is because you are a part of the new minority.
It is worth noting that many of the views that you hold to be perfectly normal were likely ridiculed by grand parents or even your parents generation. There exists a group of people who view the things you consider to be normal and sacrosanct in the exact same light as you view "political correctness".
This isn't some benign movement. It is simple society and culture evolving.
I don't mean to elevate by using the word "evolving". Just simply to comment on the natural, regular shifts in public opinion.
The gist of it is... what you hold dear may have been the "right" way of thinking 5, 10, 20 years ago or more. But, just because it was perfectly fine then, it doesn't mean it is now. And what is seen as right now will have its day in the sun and it too will be eclipsed.
Complaining about these phenomena is nothing more than bitching about how the times have changed. And they have. The change has come to pass. There isn't much to be gained by griping except to paint a target on your back.
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