Alberta's Crisis and the Federal Response
A University of Ottawa professor apparently wanted to rip Alberta a new one recently over Twitter.
Now, I'm no fan of the Kenney government. And I can agree with some of the posturing of the posts. Specifically, it was clear to just about everyone that this is what would happen in Alberta. Except perhaps those in Alberta themselves.
And, I can also agree that under normal circumstance I can even get behind the whole notion of requiring Alberta adopt Federal guidelines in order to get aid.
But, this isn't simply a matter of politics. It is also a matter of lives. And I think that the right answer is for the government to give aid to Alberta without question.
Yes, I think the government in Alberta should be adopting federal guidelines. The two hardest hit Provinces at the moment are those which hadn't taken sufficient measures prior, in accordance with the recommendations at the federal level. And, Manitoba has owned that decision of late. Alberta continues to be seemingly, arbitrarily defiant. Going so far as to gate themselves away from even being able to legislate these measures by calling them unconstitutional, even when they aren't.
But, Albertans are Canadians and they shouldn't die because their elected officials are either too inept or too stubborn to act.
The most I can muster is again, more a jab the Premiere than the people of Alberta; perhaps the government of Alberta will remember who offered up tremendous aid in their time of need the next time the discussion of equalization payments comes up.
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