Kenny IS to blame

I've seen a flurry of posts in this vein. Claiming that it isn't Kenney who should take the blame for Alberta's position.

Yes, people are the root cause. But, if people could be trusted to do the right thing we wouldn't need politicians to write laws. We would simply do the things which were right. Funded the social systems directly ourselves and so on.

Attempting to excuse a government which failed to act and blaming the people might be justified if the outcome was ever in question. It WAS NOT.

Alberta has watched as other countries and Provinces saw case loads rise and fall in accordance with how strict or lax their policies on COVID-19 were. Alberta is not comprised of some race of super humans or even super-Canadians. Just about anyone could have told you where the case load was going. Statistics don't lie. The trends don't lie. There are mountains of evidence to tell you what happens when you don't stop people from being stupid and no precedence ANYWHERE telling you that not imposing restrictions can work.

What the sweet fuck do you think the purpose of government is? It's purpose it to pass laws. And laws exist to stop people who would or might otherwise disobey those laws. In short, the role of the government is in no small part centered around anticipating how the people will act to enact laws to ensure the safety and prosperity of all. And while COVID restrictions may make prosperity difficult, so too does an overwhelmed health care system. Both approaches will eventually crush the economy, but only one approach will also leave un-necessary death in its wake.


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