Stock piling DURING a pandemic is supremely idiotic

As I hear about supermarkets sold out of hand sanitizer, toilet paper and other hygiene products I'm also hearing about how these places are busier than ever and lines are longer.

Those attempting to build up their stockpile now, especially given that every agency has said there is no pressing need to do so is exhibiting the height of stupidity.

The above shows that the stock piling is contributing to more people in crowded places, for longer periods of time.

That is reason #1 that this is pure stupidity. This pandemic is in its early stages here in Canada. This is THE most critical time to reduce ALL of those factors. Having a lot of people, especially more than usual in a confined area for longer periods of times simply maximizes the odds of this spreading even more quickly. And increases the odds for those thinking they are preparing themselves of either becoming or spreading the infection.

In fact, this reason on its own is probably enough that no further reason is needed.

The next point would be the utter lack of rational thought. Firstly, if you're self isolating and properly practicing social distancing, then while proper hygiene is still a good idea, it is really just a last resort. Your objective should be to minimize your chances of coming in contact with the virus in the first place. But, realistically, if the virus is on surface in your home or workplace and you're spending extended periods of time there at regular intervals... you're going to catch the virus.

What you really want is for sanitizer to remain readily so that those around you can use it too. You can't keep every square inch of every surface sanitized 24/7. Your best bet is to maximize the odds that all of the people who come in contact with those surfaces have had the chance to properly wash or sanitize themselves before they come in contact with it. Which is exactly what you're NOT doing if you buy a large quantity of such products than you need at the moment.

Another cautionary note is that proper hand washing is actually more effective than hand sanitizers. More references on this. And overuse of sanitizers is no less a threat to public health than overuse of antibiotics. You're simply helping nature to select more tolerant strains. Washing your hands with soap thoroughly for a minute or more leverage the caustic and surfactant properties in soap. The longer exposure time and rinsing with water will kill and remove far more bacteria than hand sanitizer will.

The panic and frenzy have another side effect. When the next frantic person comes in looking for the sanitizer you just bought the last 20 bottles of, they don't just go home. They likely try some number of additional locations before giving up. Meaning, you're ACTIVELY (if indirectly) promoting the spread of the virus.

And lastly, there may be people out there who are in actual, immediate need of the supplies you are buying. You could be creating mini health crises for others in your community.

Yes, it is prudent to stock pile for an emergency. But, you should be doing this before the emergency hits. Attempting this during an emergency, even non-virus related ones ends up putting a greater amount of stress on infrastructure impacting response times and effectiveness of attempts at aid.

What will have a greater impact on your odds of delaying or prevent contraction of the virus would be to take reasonable efforts to avoid un-necessary exposure. Shop in off peak hours. Buy only what you need, but try to buy at least a few days worth to minimize number of trips. Stay at home unless you have a pressing need. 


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