Blaming China for Coronavirus... ALSO stupid.

As countries around the world face mounting numbers of deaths and infection from Coronavirua... it is perhaps not unfair to ask if it at least makes sense to blame China for the infection.

There is no doubt that transparency was lacking and that things could, theoretically have been done faster after all.

But, could they have been done better in practice?

Well, the tale unfolding around the world says "no".

The rate of infection elsewhere leaves no one to blame. Everyone else had what happened in China to learn from. And yet other countries made similar or worse mistakes. In facts, even similar mistakes ARE worse because there was advance knowledge.

In short, had the virus originated elsewhere, it would likely be as bad or worse.

And, to be incredibly clear; a virus like this COULD have originated anywhere.

Blaming others right now is just a tactic to divert attention or blame. Had the disease been so poorly mistreated abroad, that implies that tackling it properly when it comes back domestically should be easy.

It is a scary world out there right now for a lot of people. Be kind. Do your part. If there are a high number of cases in your countries, it means that your politicians have done no better at reacting and containing it. That your fellow citizens aren't doing enough to slow the spread. Blaming China won't stop the virus. Learning from them could certainly help though.


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