Quick Thoughts

I often rant on and on. And I often rant about the same things over and over again. So, I wanted to start condensing those thoughts in the cases where I can get to the essence of what I want to say. And this is this:

Andrew Scheer's Dual Citizenship:
Should have been renounced long ago. Attempting to run for PM while still beholden to another country is bad. But, even being an MP under such circumstances draws questions. Especially as there are no tensions between the US and Canada which would bar him from travelling there.

Tax Cuts are Tax Hikes:
Read an article which basically said this. Generally true. Cutting spending generally means either a reduction in services or more things you need to pay separately for. And those costs are generally higher than it would have cost to cover in taxes. Also, cuts now often increase size and quantity of serious issues later.

Scheer Made One Right Move, Not Vocally Supporting Social Conservatives:
A big item for a small group was Scheer's unwillingness to come out guns blazing against same sex marriage and abortion. Progressive views here might win votes in large numbers. But Conservative views would be the social equivalent the PC attack on Carbon Pricing. Sacrificing unity for the demands of a relative minority.

Doug Ford Should Stop His Carbon Pricing Challenge:
Conservatives lost. The so called referendum on Carbon Pricing failed. It failed even harder in Ontario. Continuing this challenge and committing up to $30M on this fiasco is both a waste and a plan for failure.

Oil Is Already Dying:
While global demand is rising, China and the US are #1 and #2. US demand is already declining, and China is actively working at the government level to phase out their dependency on it and will likely follow suit soon after. That just leaves developing nations, which will likely switch as well once the US and China sort out their exit.

Voting Age Should Be Lowered:
Read an article which suggested that the voting age should be lowered to 16 which would coincide with an age when most kids could have a drivers license. I agree. Teenagers likely wouldn't show up in droves on average. But, they definitely seem to have made themselves informed this time around. And the votes of today will definitely impact their lives. I would even argue a larger percentage of teens were likely better informed on more party platforms than the average voter.

The Senate Needs More Independence:
Read an article about a senator who retired after the election. Said that while the increased number of independents has helped, there are often still party allegiances among independents and ones officially affiliated with parties are even worse. Often refusing to approve rational bills or changes in alignment with Canadians best interests if it might make a Federal or Provincial party with their affiliation look bad.

PS - Thank you. Not because your type won't be missed in senate. But rather because it gave a voice to the issues. I hope things can change as a result.

And I'm done. That actually felt good. I won't stop the rant posts either. It gives me a chance to think a little more deeply. But, this is a good format to get things off my chest without diving too deep.


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