Language Journal: October 8th 2019

Started the 盾の勇者の成り上がり LN (or Rising of the Shield Hero Light Novel, for the English bound).

It feels awesome to feel stupid again!

I mean; wow~! Just wow. The target audience for this is quite a bit higher I suspect than my typical manga would be. And I am struggling. And it is good.

I'm definitely struggling more than I thought I would.

Firstly, there is almost no Furigana aside from on rare words or those using funky readings. I've certainly been trying to read manga without relying on the it. And while I have generally been successful in that respect, there is no doubt anymore that I have been falling back on it to confirm my suspicions and this has hampered my confidence and perhaps even the reliability of my memory.

To that end, I find myself suspecting I know a word, but looking it up anyway to confirm the reading, meaning or both. This isn't a bad thing. Usually in these cases I am right. It helps me identify these weaknesses in my skills so I can work on them. Also, sometimes I'm wrong. And in those cases the value is even higher.

On top of those, this book is just rife with new words. Some (allegedly) common, some not. Right now, it probably takes me 15-30 per page. That being said, there is a lot more text per page than something like a manga. But, that is still pretty slow. After I have deciphered a page, I can then usually get through it again in 1-2 minutes. And even that is substantially slower than I could get through it if I could read at a natural pace.

But, as I get through it, my confidence in general is going up. So, while it is painfully slow, I think I have the motivation to get through this.

Since I've started my Anki cards have become easier. I think there is some correlation there. And some of it is probably just timing. But, the last 2-3 days I've only missed 1-2 mature cards each day.

So, yeah. That is my learning goal right now; Get through this book.


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