Language Journal: September 21st 2019

This is one of the longest gaps in recent history in these types of posts. And I think that is mostly a good thing.

Firstly, life has been exciting with the new PHEV. But, life has also been consistent, if boring on the Japanese front. My plan appears to be working. Slowly. My daily average now hovers around 140-175 cards. My accuracy is still good. And my comprehension is gradually getting better.

I'm now waiting on my shipment to come in.

Some things have slid a bit of late. Not having a monthly fee associated with my manga seems to have sucked some wind out of those sails. I'm still reading, but the pressure is gone. I'm also trying to save money, and being less motivated with the parts of my learning which involve a intrinsic price tag feed into that well enough.

I have a few ways around that. I can re-read old manga. I wasn't exactly diligent with it originally. The few times I re-read something, it has been profoundly more useful than the first read through. So, I have a closet with a few dozen resources I could re-read. I have podcasts and TV shows I can listen to in Japanese. In short, I'm not really lacking for things I could do without spending a single additional cent.

I try and talk occasionally around the house in Japanese now. I probably construct silly sounding sentences. But, I'm generally able to form something I think would be understood. And, actually saying it out loud is great practice.

Beyond that, progress is steady. My only complaint is that it feels too familiar now. So, soon I'll need to shake something up.


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