Lamguage Journal: May 26th 2019

Learning is going well.

After switching my phone language and starting Harry Potter in Japanese, every day has included something challenging. I use my phone every day. And while you quickly pick up the readings and meaning of every day items like 受信 in my email, or laughing at things like 迷惑メイル. But, then there are things like the weather forecast. Or finding the right payment method when ordering something on Google Play.

In short, it is working. But, it is scaring the crap out of me a bit. For the most part, I know what I'm doing. And, things like payments, I tend to make sure I understand before actually going through with them.

I'm working on the "if it isn't a struggle, you're not learning enough" angle. Trying to push through this plateau I'm on to bring it to the next one.

This approach, I imagine, has a tendency to crush spirits. So, I have kind of tempered it. I'm re-reading Orange at the moment. And while my basic thought was just to read it through the way I had before, which is basically focusing on the actual dialog text, this time through I'm actually able to read pretty much everything. Including the scrawls outside of the regular text bubbles, notes, words on buildings, etc...

The tempering, basically, is finding a lower level resource I've already been through and going through it again to assure myself I've actually gotten better. So, it would be enough to simply blaze through it faster than before. But, realizing I'm able to take in more of the content makes it even more gratifying.

So, even though my phone can throw me daily curve balls and Harry Potter is reasonably challenging, pretty much all of the time, at least I can say I know I've gotten better.


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