Language Journal: August 8th 2018

Well, that wasn't long.

I went and got Anki setup. It was a bit of a pain. I tried from the package manager in Linux Mint and it installed fine, but then wouldn't open. Trying to install from FlatHub was going to require 2GB of disk and install parts of another desktop environment. FlatHub is supposed to be self-contained so it probably wouldn't be an issue. But, I decided to just go straight to the source and install from the files provided on the Anki web site.

That all went fine. And it is able to process my decks.

I made 27 cards for Totoro last night and dumped all of my Midnight Diner decks into a single mega deck. And renamed the top level deck containing those two to "Sentence Bank". I also increased the number of new cards a day in that deck to 1000. I think I have a 5000 card limit for reviews. The idea is fairly simple. I want this deck to be my filler deck. I tend to want to do 300 cards or an hour of studying, but I'm hitting that if I do cramming on failed cards.

The basic mentality is that this deck is going to be different. I don't care if I don't finish all of the reviews or new cards. And I don't care if I have a massive avalanche of cards to deal with. The purpose of this deck is to supply additional study materials.

At least once a week, and sometimes more often than that, I find an urge to study more. So I don't really anticipate having avalanches for long. But, my traditional decks I don't want to mess with. I want to do those every single day. To completion. If I find the avalanche getting too much, I may cap the reviews lower to increase exposure to new cards or start trimming cards out.

Another way to look at this is; my other decks, I want to commit to memory as fully as possible. This deck is really just a way to increase my exposure. I may tweak intervals and the likes to make it push out cards much more readily instead of capping. But then, I really don't see much difference between capping and artificially pushing out the occurrences. If the backlog gets bad enough there won't be any difference. The objective is the same. Allow me a mix of old and new cards. But then, maybe a mix of the two is best. I'll have to play around and find out.

Anyway, I'm happy that I was able to convince myself to translate some more. Now I just need to see if I can keep it up. Maybe if I can do a half hour a night Mon/Wed/Fri.

I still haven't gotten any manga yet, so I'm not sure how much time I will need to get through each box before the next arrives.


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