Language Journal: August 22nd 2018


First box of manga is here. And it is a pretty good score if I do say so. In other words, I'm successfully excited and have already started translating.

3 of the 4 are manga related to anime I've already seen which will hopefully help with the more obscure translations. 1 volume of Orange and 2 of Erased (僕だけがいない街). The last one is something called Chemi's Three Brothers (ちぇみと三兄弟).

The books have Furigana for everything it seems. So far at least. Which is actually technically easier than I was expecting. The exception would be text within the images. Like a frame with a written letter. I've done a few pages of Orange and I have yet to hit anything I couldn't completely get. But there are words that are new or not well ingrained yet. Like 転校生. I've never seen the word before, but because of context, knowledge of Kanji and the fact that I've seen the anime I knew it was "transfer student".

Going is slow because I'm translating every single, even slightly difficult word into my Anki deck. Including Kanji in the target word and their meanings.

My plan is to go through Orange first, then 僕だけがいない街 since I know them already. It is easier to follow along with the stories I already know. So, while I may be least interested in the last book, hopefully by the time I get there I'll be able to go through it more quickly. I also intentionally started with the book I was least interested out of the 2 series I knew.

To restate my goal here. I want to go through 1 book a week. This should more or less guarantee I keep up with the rate at which they arrive. Right now I'm not sure if that is too ambitious or not. We shall see.


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