Hydro One CEO gone... Part 2
I'm still impressed.
But, as the analysts started chiming in, it sounds like the CEO is basically walking away with, in the ballpark of $10M in assets (mostly stock). In other words, the $40k bit was diversionary and not even a half truth. More like a 4% truth. In other words, it isn't a lie that he is getting $40k in severance, and that this is the only direct cash compensation he is getting. But, it is not, by a long shot, the only compensation. Anything of value he leaves with, comes out of the companies bottom line. And thus, it isn't necessarily better than having sent him out the door with a $10M check.
It all points to a person whose sole intention is politics for the sake of politics. Or, more simply, he doesn't care what he does as long as he keeps his job.
Some other examples are his stances on climate change and the budget. I'm not sure he even cares what the outcome is. Just how his efforts are perceived.
On the climate change topic. He went to a summit of the provinces premiers and basically, aside from the one who started the law suit, the other provinces refused to support with one saying that they've consulted lawyers and were told they would lose. That this is well within the Federal government's power. What this says to me is, other premier's are listening to their constituents who it seems feel similar to a lot of Ontarians. But, after doing their homework it became apparent that fighting this battle would hurt them regardless of what they want.
Doug Ford is a man whose constituents want a unicorn. And come hell or high water, he'll spend your tax money looking for a unicorn. Even though he knows he won't find one. And he wants you to know he is looking for it, because you asked for it. And those people are simply going to respond to criticism with "at least he's trying". But he isn't. He doesn't give two shits about whether or not he wins. He isn't trying to win. He is trying to sell you the fact that he is trying to win.
This appears to be the PC motive. Harper did the same thing at the federal level with Omar Khadar. People didn't want to settle the court case even though EVERY. SINGLE. LEGAL. EXPERT agreed we had violated his rights and we would win. So Harper didn't settle. People praised him for fighting. The reality was simple however. The less time this dragged out, the less it was going to cost the Canadian people. So, no, Trudeau did NOT do what the people said they wanted. But, he did do what they actually wanted (or should have wanted). He minimized the cost to Canadians.
The other politicized event is the budget. Every expert has agreed, the auditor general was not playing partisan politics. Her view of the Liberal government was nothing short of scathing. And there is no reason whatsoever to doubt what is in her report.
BUT, experts can only seem to explain Ford's action in one way; He isn't going to do what he said in the budget. And he needs a scapegoat.
If he used the Auditor Generals report to scapegoat the Liberal's, then the problem is, that report was public LONG before the election. In other words, he knew, or should have known, that his budget was a lie.
Instead, by commissioning a NEW report, he can act like the findings are new.
He is spending tax payers money, in front of their, face to hide his obvious lies. And people will likely buy those lies.
But, as the analysts started chiming in, it sounds like the CEO is basically walking away with, in the ballpark of $10M in assets (mostly stock). In other words, the $40k bit was diversionary and not even a half truth. More like a 4% truth. In other words, it isn't a lie that he is getting $40k in severance, and that this is the only direct cash compensation he is getting. But, it is not, by a long shot, the only compensation. Anything of value he leaves with, comes out of the companies bottom line. And thus, it isn't necessarily better than having sent him out the door with a $10M check.
It all points to a person whose sole intention is politics for the sake of politics. Or, more simply, he doesn't care what he does as long as he keeps his job.
Some other examples are his stances on climate change and the budget. I'm not sure he even cares what the outcome is. Just how his efforts are perceived.
On the climate change topic. He went to a summit of the provinces premiers and basically, aside from the one who started the law suit, the other provinces refused to support with one saying that they've consulted lawyers and were told they would lose. That this is well within the Federal government's power. What this says to me is, other premier's are listening to their constituents who it seems feel similar to a lot of Ontarians. But, after doing their homework it became apparent that fighting this battle would hurt them regardless of what they want.
Doug Ford is a man whose constituents want a unicorn. And come hell or high water, he'll spend your tax money looking for a unicorn. Even though he knows he won't find one. And he wants you to know he is looking for it, because you asked for it. And those people are simply going to respond to criticism with "at least he's trying". But he isn't. He doesn't give two shits about whether or not he wins. He isn't trying to win. He is trying to sell you the fact that he is trying to win.
This appears to be the PC motive. Harper did the same thing at the federal level with Omar Khadar. People didn't want to settle the court case even though EVERY. SINGLE. LEGAL. EXPERT agreed we had violated his rights and we would win. So Harper didn't settle. People praised him for fighting. The reality was simple however. The less time this dragged out, the less it was going to cost the Canadian people. So, no, Trudeau did NOT do what the people said they wanted. But, he did do what they actually wanted (or should have wanted). He minimized the cost to Canadians.
The other politicized event is the budget. Every expert has agreed, the auditor general was not playing partisan politics. Her view of the Liberal government was nothing short of scathing. And there is no reason whatsoever to doubt what is in her report.
BUT, experts can only seem to explain Ford's action in one way; He isn't going to do what he said in the budget. And he needs a scapegoat.
If he used the Auditor Generals report to scapegoat the Liberal's, then the problem is, that report was public LONG before the election. In other words, he knew, or should have known, that his budget was a lie.
Instead, by commissioning a NEW report, he can act like the findings are new.
He is spending tax payers money, in front of their, face to hide his obvious lies. And people will likely buy those lies.
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