Android to support iPhone X like notches

It is sad that the state of tech news means that this qualifies for my time to comment on but... here it is.

So, here are my two cents on the topic of Android supporting iPhone X-like notches. It should support them. But, for literally no other reason than OEMs will build phones with them and keeping support for this sort of thing in the main Android code will reduce the temptation to deviate super far from core Android as much as possible.

Personally, I think the Apple notch is stupid. Supporting it on Android can't be much of a task though, since the Essentials phone already has one. And that was released before the iPhone X.

The success of the Essentials phone paints a pretty clear picture. The notch is NOT a desirable, decision driving feature. If it were, the Essentials phone would not be one of the least successful Android phones of all time. The Essentials phone's only real drawback at launch was the camera and software updates apparently resolved that gap largely. It had flagship like specs, wireless charging, edge to edge display and a decent price tag.

The iPhone X's success or failure is driven by 2 things; the Apple brand and the fact that it is their top of the line model. Nothing else. The notch will be a driving to factor to either buy or not buy the phone for only a fraction of the population that was actually considering it seriously in the first place. Some hate it enough to drive them to buy a lesser iPhone. Some love it enough to encourage an upgrade. Most, probably don't give a darn about it.

But, nonetheless, expect an ever increasing armada of flagship Android devices in the coming year to be revealed which add a notch as an answer to Apple's edge to edge screen mistake.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing wrong, in particular with an edge to edge display. The notch is an admission that technology isn't there yet though. It is a compromise. There is nothing revolutionary about it. Anyone COULD have done this years ago. I have no doubts you will see leaks over time of decades old designs where this was envisioned by all of Apple's competition. But, at the time they acknowledged that "yep, this is stupid", threw the design in the trash and moved on.

It isn't "bold". It isn't "courage". It isn't any buzz word Apple or their fans might try and feed you. It was an attempt to make the whole front of the phone a display when it wasn't yet technically possible.

But, odds are consumers will start to think of it as a sign of newer tech. And whether or not they do, undoubtedly OEMs will copy it now. So, it makes sense to support it.


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