Xbox haters gonna hate...

This was inane drivel.

The title of this article says how I feel about this review.

I'm going to start by saying that I don't feel like the Xbox One X is the console everyone should buy. I don't think $500 is a ton of money, but I also don't think it is throw away cash. But, if you own a 4k TV you plan to use a console with, and you either don't have any Xbox One device yet or specs really matter, then it seems like this is absolutely either a no brainer or at the least worth considering.

No other console delivers the quality. Period. Not even the PS4 Pro. Period.

As for the arguments in the articles, they focus on NEW, EXCLUSIVES, ONLY! Firstly, in ignoring prior exclusives you make a small mistake. Even the games listed aren't exclusive to the One X. They can be played on the original Xbox One or One S. So, if you're only considering exclusives in the first place (which is idiotic, because that isn't what this is about) then you need to look at the breadth of the Xbox catalogue ("One" intentionally left out due to backwards compatibility).

I said exclusives isn't what this is about though. And I mean it. The One X isn't about the ecosystem. It is about performance. Many older games are getting upgraded to support the One X intentionally. And even those which don't still get many benefits from the increased power of the system.

If you want to talk exclusives and value... then look at the One S. It will still get all of the same games and I think it is even cheaper than the PS4.

In other words, if exclusives are your concerns and not the quality of the visuals... then whether or not you should buy a One X is probably amongst the last questions you need to answer. And one of the least important.

At the end of the day, more games will be released. Both exclusives and games optimized to take advantage of the power of the One X. Combine that with the upscaling and increased power that will make even existing games look better and the value of the console should be clear. And whether or not it makes sense to you specifically should be even clearer.

For the average person... you probably don't need the One X. Whether you already own an earlier iteration or not. And lucky you! You don't need to buy one if you want into the ecosystem. As stated above, over and over again.

The referenced article simply plays down the fact that the Xbox One X is the best console hardware on the market right now. And while it is also the most expensive, it is far from ludicrously so. Rewind to when the original PS4 and Xbox One entered the market and people easily made the argument that the better system was the better system and that games would follow. And what's funny is, in the early days of the console is when exclusives really matter. You don't have years worth of native titles to fall back on. A new entrant into this ecosystem does however have that option on both consoles now.


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