22 more days of Kanji to go!

Decided to check my stats on my Kanji Anki deck. Just 440 unseen Kanji in Anki!

That is 22 days since I have them set to show me 20 new ones a day. Granted, at the end of it, I'll still be far from where I want. I haven't kept up on creating good mnemonics for them or burning them into my memory. But, my first objective is just to get through every new card in all of my decks.

Also, my studies are suffering a lot right now. With the upcoming move I've scaled back the amount of time and effort put into studying as I don't want to burn out or hate it. At the same time, I've started doing a little bit more which I hope will help. I'm taking my daily lessons from Nihongo Shark and putting the sentences I like, or which have words or concepts I want to learn into flash cards. I'm hoping the latter will offset some of the former.

It is also something I should really be doing. Honestly, even more than the Kanji. I know a good number of Kanji very well. I know most of the basic grammar and I have a growing vocabulary. What I really need now is exposure to these things in context. And that is what building my own deck is all about.

Another unfortunate blow to my studies is the lack of interest I have in any of the new shows on Crunchyroll right now :( When someone tells me they don't like anime because it is too kiddy, or annoying or portraying insane stereotypes to the extreme... that is basically everything new this season.

But, enough crappy anime news! Another good note is that my overall statistics show me at 67% of my cards as being mature and the remainder more or less evenly split amongst new and learning. About 8k mature cards, and 2k each new and learning. Current decks will take me through the Human Japanese deck, Core 1000 and effectively all of the Jouyou Kanji. So, that is also a crazy good stat in my opinion.

How does that all translate into reality? Well, it doesn't really. Or perhaps more correct to say, this is all just progress towards arbitrary goals. They don't really tell me how fluent I am or not. Or even how fluent I will feel. But, having measurable goals and progress against them is good for keeping motivated. At some point I'll need to find a mechanism to test my comprehension a little more. I have more than likely improved. I just can't say by how much. I'll leave trying to determine that until my next post. Hopefully after the move is done and I've had a chance to get back into things.


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