Why Surface is destroying Apple in satisfaction.

Now, it is a bit hard to be certain, but this is actually something I predicted. So, at the very least, I believe what I'm about to say is at least part of the reason for this.

No, Windows did not miraculously get tons better. Addressing customer complaints certainly helped, but even Windows 8 would likely be in the same position right now if it were the current MS OS. Also, 1st party hardware doesn't hurt. But none of those are the real reason.

I'll wager the average person will still tell you in a heartbeat that the iPad is the better built, more attractive and easier to use device. I may disagree with much of that. But, it is what I believe the populace at large believes. So, why then is it losing?

When iPad's took the world by storm, they did so in a world where everyone already had a PC.

No one seemed to pay attention to this fact. And while people actually DID notice the problem, they swept it under the rug with statements like "I can do 99% of what I need on an iPad... why would I need another computer?" -- they say while their PC is there and ready to do that 1%. They weren't able to think objectively about just what not having that other 1% (or likely larger percentage in reality) would actually be like.

Of course, it wasn't really JUST 1%, and whatever the percentage was, it was the things which actually mattered. Work, resumes, etc...

In reality, it is the 99% of the things the iPad CAN do which people don't actually NEED to be able to do.

Needless to say, when we fast forward the better part of a decade and all of those people who insulted their PCs and subsequently let them break down and didn't replace them, only to discover that they really DID need them... well, that is what is happening now. And the effect is clear. People are, once again, happier with PC's than consumption devices.

And what's more. People are probably re-realizing that what they said about the PC works the other way around. They can 99% of what they could on their tablet on their PC's.

Though, what drew them to tablets won't change. Tablets are lighter and thus more portable. The batteries generally last longer. The end result... they are gravitating back to (and being sated) to only platform and form factor that can give them the 99% of both the things they want and need. And one of the best in that category is the Surface Pro.

Personally, I'm a bit a surprised it took this long. But, perhaps the places where MS sucks at advertising and supply chain are to blame for the lag.

Of course, we'll watch this all play out again in a few years. For now, while non-Windows tablets suffer due to the collective realization that PCs aren't terrible iOS and Android devices will continue to get better in some ways that are akin to PCs an some which are divergent. By closing the gap a bit more and providing those divergent experiences, in a few years people will pick these things up again, be impressed by them again, and once again proclaim they no longer need a PC while they have a Surface Pro in perfect working order to act as a crutch.


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