The auto industry is the new music industry

WOW! This just stuns me.

Auto makers are truly idiotic. And they are to blame for much of what they are whining about no less.

I was fortunate enough to grow up and be around computers before more people. I saw the coming of the digital music age. And I saw early on (and as a teenager) exactly what the music industry could have, and should have done once illegal MP3 downloads started becoming a problem; embrace it. It wasn't until years later and a ton of lost faith that Apple did what the music industry wasn't willing to do on their own. Sell songs individually and online.

It isn't just that they were on the wrong side of history for so long. It is that they were on the dumb side of history. Auto makers are now in the same boat.

The electric and hybrid industries aren't at a point today where they will devour the fossil fuel burning auto industry, but illegal downloads weren't either at the time when the music industry stepped and in a decided to try and litigate their way to success. The auto industry, with regards to gas alternatives is at the same place as the music industry was then. Not far from the tipping point.

And Tesla is the auto industries Apple. Other auto makers MIGHT have had a chance if they had been able to execute on this 2+ years ago OR if Tesla weren't an America company. But even while Trump may have won the office of the President, it doesn't mean the majority of the US is against climate change or even against electric vehicles. In fact, I'd be willing to wager it is the opposite on both fronts.

As the cost of electric vehicles come down, it is the market for traditional cars that will be eroded.

These damn fools, lobbying to scrap or reduce their hybrid and electric efforts will just be even further behind once this happens.

Let's face it. NO ONE with a brain in the auto industry think gas is the long term solution for cars. You'll probably get a variety of thoughts on where it is going, whether it be hybrids, all electric or hydrogen. But I don't think anyone doubts it... the era of gasoline combustion in America is coming to an end. It isn't on its deathbed, but it is clearly an elderly individual losing its faculties.

But hey... short term gain for long term pain seems like the new name of the game. Good luck with that auto companies.


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