Secessionists in the US as a result of Brexit? LOL

If there is one thing I don't understand about the Brexit vote, it is this; how is this seen as a positive for secessionists?

By all accounts the UK saw first hand how investors look at the break up of a loosely coupled super state. It looks bad. While I won't deny that the possibility exists that the long term is greener for the UK, at present, there has been virtually no silver linings in the Brexit aftermath. They are in political and financial turmoil, the citizens are against each other, on the world stage they look like stupid bigots who are afraid of immigrants.

What about that says "hey, maybe we should try that?". Texas separating from the US?

Perhaps the ultimate in irony is the Donald. He hailed the Brexit vote as a win and wants to "make America great again". Well, that "win" is now fuelling the fires to break up that very country. I don't think this is the outcome he expected locally. He may need to build a wall around Texas too.

I joked with my wife that with the Brexit and Trump as a potential president, we could see Canada become the new North American economical power house. I thought it was more than a flight of fancy. But, if Texas leaves the US, it starts looking a lot more feasible. If Texas left, I could see some other southern states following suit.

While the repercussions of the UK leaving the EU are broad, it seems a lot of voters found immigration to be a hot button. With many fleeing Islamic countries and many US states being largely Islamophobic and some being openly unhappy with the national stance on things like gay rights and marriage it isn't impossible to think some states might side with a move that would return the right decide such things back to the state.

Will Texas later break up into yet smaller countries? I know such thoughts get tossed about in Quebec with Montreal being at odds with the rest of the province when it comes to talk of separation.

Personally, I think it is just sad.


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