More reasons to doubt new hardware to support 4k on XB1 and PS4.
I can't believe these rumours are still flying around. Storage and output types are the only things console makers are likely to produce new hardware for until the next gen console is released.
This is FUNDAMENTAL to getting developer buy-in on consoles as it means that the hardware and functionality that they are concerned with is not a moving target. Console game developers choose consoles because they know EXACTLY what the hardware is, and they can guarantee the quality of the experience that they deliver. If the specs, including something like supported resolution which DRASTICALLY affects performance change in hardware alone developers are inconvenienced. The install based becomes fragmented and they may as well just drop console dev and stick with PC dev.
It also becomes a slap in the face to early adopters. This isn't the same as price drops or bundles. This is making your equipment outdated before its time.
All of this doesn't mean that it is impossible. But neither of these companies are new to consoles and the odds that one of them is dumb enough are low enough, but the odds that BOTH are dumb or bold enough to make such a move seems as close to borderline impossible as you can get. Which is exactly what the headlines are prophesizing.
I'll repeat... both consoles in their current form ALERADY actually HAVE THE HARDWARE TO SUPPORT THIS!
And that alone makes the assumption that they'll release "new" hardware to support this even crazier.
This is FUNDAMENTAL to getting developer buy-in on consoles as it means that the hardware and functionality that they are concerned with is not a moving target. Console game developers choose consoles because they know EXACTLY what the hardware is, and they can guarantee the quality of the experience that they deliver. If the specs, including something like supported resolution which DRASTICALLY affects performance change in hardware alone developers are inconvenienced. The install based becomes fragmented and they may as well just drop console dev and stick with PC dev.
It also becomes a slap in the face to early adopters. This isn't the same as price drops or bundles. This is making your equipment outdated before its time.
All of this doesn't mean that it is impossible. But neither of these companies are new to consoles and the odds that one of them is dumb enough are low enough, but the odds that BOTH are dumb or bold enough to make such a move seems as close to borderline impossible as you can get. Which is exactly what the headlines are prophesizing.
I'll repeat... both consoles in their current form ALERADY actually HAVE THE HARDWARE TO SUPPORT THIS!
And that alone makes the assumption that they'll release "new" hardware to support this even crazier.
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