4k on PS4 and Xbox One?

This is a really weird set of rumours. Some are rumouring new hardware, some are rumouring a system update and some are rumouring what it means for gaming. I think this is all really crazy non-sense. I think 4k support will come, but what it means it likely far less exciting than most are hyping.

The rumour seems to have spawned from Netflix confirming that both systems (which already have the HDMI hardware to support it) will make it possible for a 4k Netflix app.

So, firstly, there is absolutely no reason to expect new hardware. Both systems already support it! Why people would think new hardware would be forthcoming to enable a feature both consoles already technically support is beyond me. This particular rumour is almost certainly pure nonsense.

What is much more likely is a new OS update and SDK will enable 4k support in apps and games. Netflix is a big enough name that they probably have the requisite insider info to make this claim. So, it is fairly likely it will turn out to be true.

Beyond apps like Netflix what does this mean? Basically nothing. Media apps will likely take advantage, and hey some indie games may do it as well. But premium titles? Not a chance in hell. BOTH systems are struggling to deliver 1080p and 60 FPS on most titles. There is no way in hell that the current hardware could ever muster 4k resolutions for any graphically intense game. This would require FAR more than even a light hardware refresh (which even that ain't gonna happen). You won't see AAA games running at 4k until next gen hardware folks. Keep in mind 4k is about 4 times the pixels. Which means if all else remains the same and just resolution is increased, you can expect the demand on the GPU to go up to 400% its current load.

So please!!! Stop writing about this people. I don't need to see this rubbish clogging up my search results.


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