Chase Bank app to leave Windows Phone Store... WHAT?!?!

This one smells. Lack of usage makes zero sense as a justification. I suspect that there is a vendetta somewhere. Everything from the app being pulled at all to the fact that this publicly announced.

Basically, if the app is in the store today, that means that they have a current developer license. And if they have a current developer license then they have one in perpetuity. Among the things Microsoft did recently to try and drum up developer support was to drastically reduce the fee and then to make it perpetual. Which in turn means that there is absolutely no financial impact to keeping the application in the store.

Let me repeat this... even if it is just a login and then a couple of clicks, removing an app from the store requires the company to expend effort whereas leaving it in place requires none.

This just doesn't make sense. They already wasted the time to produce the app, there is nothing to lose by leaving it up there now and simply discontinuing support for it.

In fact, with Windows 10 on the horizon, even if you doubt it will change fates at all, it makes sense to ride it out and see if it helps. Because, like I said, there is no reason to go out of the way to pull the app. It isn't costing them anything. In fact, if they have ads turned on it is actually generating revenue, even if only a small amount.

It almost feels like it was done for the sole sake of providing a reason to announce it to weaken the perception of Microsoft. That is not based on anything... but I admit I'm having a hard time understanding such a move unless there is some underlying motivation.


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