Weirdest PS4 vs. Xbox One thread ever.

This is actually worth posting.

Who knows what it will degrade too, given enough time (was only at the beginning of page 7 when I read it). But I was actually shocked to see a PS4 vs. Xbox One forum that didn't immediately erupt into a giant flame war. In fact, the biggest flame war in the forum seems to be a debate over whether achievements or trophies are better or even the same thing.

Even more impressive is that the bulk of the advice is actually sensible.

For those looking for an update on my thoughts. I would tend to agree with the general advice from the article. The most important thing for most people will probably be whatever system their friends are getting. Games seem to be trending towards over emphasising multi-player, and even if you don't care about that, you can trade games if you buy physical discs and you won't be ridiculed for being different. Not that I approve of herd mentality, but when you bundle it in with the other arguments, overall this is a pretty strong/sound stance to take.

If there is no clear answer there, or you don't care, then do you care about any of the exclusives? Most games are cross platform. Even most of the best titles. But, each system has a few big name titles like Uncharted or Halo. And each system also has a few lesser exclusive titles. There are plenty of lists of platform exclusives out on the internet. Read through them and see if there is something you can't live without. Don't make it about numbers though... in terms of premium titles the Xbox One is beating the PS4 for exclusives, but overall the PS4 has more thanks to more Indie games. I have nothing against Indie games... but in my experience it is unlikely that you'll find a must have Indie game. This also doesn't mean "choose the Xbox One". It matters which games are exclusives, not how many there are. If none of the games on there on ones you care for or recognize, then this isn't factor to you. Plain and simple.

Outside of that, think back on how you used prior consoles if any. Was it mostly gaming? Or did it simply became a media box over time (Netflix/YouTube)? If it came down to those last two questions and it was mainly gaming then PS4 or if the other Xbox One.

If there still isn't a clear winner... Xbox One with Kinect. If you KNOW you won't be heavy into the media aspect, then the performance edge of the PS4 gives it an advantage. But that advantage is really just about bragging rights or nit-picking. The performance gap isn't so wide that you'll feel like you're playing a different or better game on the PS4 than on the Xbox One.

So, if media is or may be important to you, the extra little features like Kinect, HDMI pass through and OneGuide, not to mention the ability to have it automatically power up and down your TV, cable box and audio system means there are more little extras to enjoy in the platform.

To me it is simple, if you're on the fence, the Xbox One has more features. Even if you don't end up using any of them, the fact that none of the other arguments swayed you to the PS4 means that both consoles would probably measure up equally anyway. And, while many people may never use many of the features the XB1 has over the PS4, I think at least most people use SOME of them, which means a slight edge up for the Xbox One.


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