Rise of the Tomb Raider Exclusivity thoughts...

Someone said it was basically confirmed that it was a timed exclusive only though I haven't seen any indication of that personally (I also haven't bug too far, so entirely possible nonetheless).

Anyway, a bunch of comments on various threads sit there and call them idiots for putting this on the console with the lower hardware sales numbers. And then, a few comments later someone invariably points out that the next Uncharted game is coming out just weeks earlier and will blow this out of the water.

And the pairing of those two sets of comments is exactly why this is a brilliant move for Square-Enix and a waste of money for Microsoft.

From Square's perspective, it is arriving late to the scene, coming on the heels of the next Uncharted installment which is going to be purely a PS4 exclusive. Sure, they would have sold copies on that system regardless, but the competition would eat away at sales. Getting a title that size to launch concurrently on multiple platforms is also a headache. This is a MASSIVE win-win for SE.

Not having to launch on both systems at once means that they can scale back resources (save money) and focus on the XB1 version first. They are being paid for that exclusivity according to most (make extra cash) and by the time exclusivity period ends, their main competition will be old news. And when you launch a game can matter. So, they save money, while making more money, while also potentially selling additional copies. Please tell me again how they are being stupid?

Microsoft on the other hand... is paying for a timed exclusive on a title which will have massive competition for mind share at launch. If uncharted weren't launching around the same time it might conceivably draw some PS4 owners or people on the fence leaning towards the PS4 back to the XB1 camp. Basically, I don't see this being worth the investment on Microsoft's side in either the short or the long run.

RotTR isn't even a platform draw the way that Titanfall had or Halo 5 has the potential to be. And part of the problem is that there is already a Tomb Raider title available on both platforms. Between an older (and cheaper) Tomb Raider game and what will be a brand new competing title in Uncharted I simply don't see a lot of people making the switch for this title.

Sunset Overdrive, Halo 5, the Halo Master Chief collection, Fable Legends and other titles that are true platform exclusives with a ton of hype surrounding them on the other hand... those are titles I can see people either buying an Xbox One in addition to their PS4, or picking up that console first.


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