PS4 Debacle

Well, seems like Sony has released some information on the PS4. It will be $100 less than the Xbox One and have no restrictions on sharing and reselling of game discs.

I'm not sure if Sony simply waited for Microsoft to make an announcement and then drive decisions based on response or not... because when they did the first press conference regarding this they were remarkably tight lipped on the topic. If there is no change from your prior implementation and no plans for change, then there is absolutely no reason to remain silent.

Anyway, this makes things interesting. To me, this boils down to a battle between the traditional console way of life (PS4) and the next generation of gaming (Xbox One). The interesting question underpinning this battle is whether or not the market is ready for a truly new generation of gaming.

With the PS4 now seeming to not impose any new restrictions on gamers and at a lower price point it could be possible that the PS4 will regain the number 1 position by a wide enough margin that games makers either won't go exclusive on the Xbox One to take advantage of what Microsoft is offering back to them, or that most games makers will opt out of imposing any additional fees and simply making Microsoft look like the bad guy for giving them what they asked for.

Don't get me wrong. I still think this renaissance surrounding how games are traded and sold will still come to pass. But, based on the earlier press I hadn't expected the PS4 to remain so traditional, and that might serve to slow down that transition.

Oh, I forgot the other funny thing. People ridiculed the Xbox One to no end over how it looks. The PS4 looks identical. Suck it! Well, identical is taking it a bit far... the front and back are angled 45 degrees whereas the Xbox One is simply a rectangular prism. They otherwise both look more like traditional media boxes than flashy (gaudy) traditional gaming consoles. Anyone who claims is one is fundamentally a better design than the other is spewing nonsense.


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