End of the world?

Ok, this has admittedly nothing to do with either programming or even technology for that matter. But it is so stupid it merits insulting people for it regardless.

The Mayan long count calendar cycle ends on December 21 of this year. That is all! The Mayans did not predict the world would end. In fact the Mayans have predictions that go well into the 4th millennia. Saying the calendar cycle ends is the same damn thing that happens on the Gregorian calendar (the one most of us modern humans use) on December 31. The end of a calendar cycle in and of itself signifies... NOTHING! Aside from maybe the need to run out and pick up a new calendar.

So, to re-iterate. The Mayans have predictions which extend into the next 2 f***ing THOUSAND years. And they have never predicted the world would end. It is simply time to go buy a new Mayan long count calendar.


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