Surface Phone Part 2

So, I went looking for a new Windows Phone 8 device the other day. I live in Canada and I'm tied to a contract on Telus. Telus has no WP8 available at the moment. They have a nice little placeholder on their web site saying that the ATIV S is coming soon. But that is also about the only WP8 device I have no interest in at all.

Rogers launched the Lumia 920 (and theoretically the HTC 8X) on Monday and Bell Canada launched the HTC 8X today. When I went to Rogers, they won't sell me a phone off contract because it is "too new". I haven't tried Bell yet, but historically they are even more of a pain than Rogers.

All of this is a round-about way of saying, Microsoft, you have my go ahead for a Surface Phone, providing no carrier has an exclusive on it. This doesn't change my thinking that it is stupid. This is much like the iPad Mini argument... yes people may want one but it doesn't make it smart. But I now hope Microsoft does exactly this stupid thing (admittedly for the same reason Apple fans flocked to the iPad Mini).

That is all.


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