Quick Books Integration

Started working on an integration between the program I wrote for Tony and Quick Books. Looks like it shouldn't be too difficult. The interface is retarded. There is very little motivation for me here except that the end result is actually something exciting. Among the more mundane applications you could write, an integration is probably the most exciting. There is nothing quite like seeing 2 applications talking to each other. Customers in my application become Customers in Quick Books. Work Orders become Invoices and then you can generate reports in Quick Books. I have to admit I have a bit of a fascination here.

Anyway, all I've done so far is hooked up to a database in the trial version of the application and read a customer based on a hard coded name. But it all worked the first time which does instill some amount of confidence.

Plan here is to build my own Adapter class library for Quick Books that I can re-use. Create my own business objects and method calls wrapped around the rather shitty ones provided by the Quick Books integration. Then add some fields so I can track which records have been synced in my database(s) and then I can extend the integration to other applications. Veronica hasn't decided on Quick Books yet, but she seems disappointed with GNUCash so if I can reuse some or all the data I'll be happy.

Back to the grind. For day 1 I'd like to be able to sync over all of the Customers and Vendors. Then focus on dumping items and services over followed lastly by all of the work orders and purchase orders. I don't figure I'll get past the Customers and Vendors today. But I think I should be able to get those done at least in a preliminary format.


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