
Need to get in touch with Tony and find out if everything is still working out alright for him with the new software.

Went and did some pruning today, removing old classes that weren't being used. Moving at a snail's pace really.

Also, reading through Veronica's tax books, it appears as though Accrual based accounting will probably be my parents accounting method of choice. The same goes for Veronica. Really, all of the information is there, it is simply that a cash based accounting system is simpler. Statistically, I see no benefit of one over the other. Unless of course you happen to be the government charging taxes... but anyway, that is a rant I have already had and isn't really related to this at all.

Anyway, every order and ever payment is dated. As a result, it is simply a matter of calculating the AR/AP at the beginning of a period of time, then using just the transactions in that date range to calculate the newly acquired cash and AR/AP within that period.


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