Beauty of time away from something.

While I was disappointed at not being able to make my order entry grids work 100% as I would like, I can't get over the number of new design ideas I've had recently. Being close to the project for so long before I was incredibly focused on my initial vision. Having done nothing but a few lines of code here and there over the past 2 weeks I've slowly forgotten what the original vision was and opened myself up to the possibility of coming up with better ideas to resolve the issues at hand. In terms of actual functionality, I haven't really changed anything substantial in somewhere close to month, but the UI has grown so much that it is a much more solid product.

The biggest idea came when I started adding some of my management grids to the main screen in a TabControl inside of an Expander. All of a sudden it occurred to me that it could be even more convenient if I could fit the order entry screens on the main screen somehow with the lookup based management grids side by side, then my brother could lookup products or customers without switching screens, so even though I don't have drag and drop implemented at the moment, it is now less inconvenient without it. To make everything fit I moved my buttons to the bottom center (which also looks a hell of a lot better, a la mac launch bar style).

Will still throw all of this at Tony before I start changing everything to this new format, and at the moment I still have both the Window and Inline versions available in the code (and I may keep both in the long run). But damn is everything looking a hell of a lot better.


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