Another new project...

Life is getting busy, but in a fun way I guess.

My brother is sort of inheriting a business in the upcoming weeks. The old business used to run on paper (ewww). So I made the same offer I make everyone I know. Let me do your software. And he said yes. This makes number 2. Not a bad statistic since I think I've only actually offered this service to 3 people, so 67%-ish isn't bad. Anyhow, this sets back my Windows phone development (which isn't much of a shame since I can't seem to get it to deploy test apps to my phone anyway).

So, at the moment I'm trying for 1 component a day on the days when I work on it. Will post my updates here. For only 2 days, I think I'm doing VERY well. I've taken a lot of the things I learned in the past and I'm applying them now. My brother wants this as soon as possible, so I'm sticking to old school tactics, namely Windows Forms. I've gone above and beyond Veronica's original app by starting with Fluent NHibernate, and I've invested some time in finding out about new controls I never used in the past with Windows Forms... while not as powerful as WPF and Silverlight, I'm finding that there was a lot of the same stuff available back then, that I just didn't know about and use, and that is also really helping things speed along.

Day #1 was Sunday. I wrote the database schema (via model classes) in my parents dining room. Then started on a quick engine to allow to access and create the database using the App.Config and Fluent NHibernate. Then I went for dinner and when I came back I was feeling the need to develop more so I added a management screen for the Locations:

Really boring, but it is a simple screen that will be seen and configured once and then never looked at again. Important thing is that it works, and works as expected. I may go back and hide the Id column, but otherwise I'm fine with this.

Day #2 was today (Monday). This time I tackled the Product Management screen. It has a bit more going on, but it is also a bit prettier in my opinion:

It has a nice and functioning filter with all of the sorts of filters I imagine someone in the after market car parts would need to filter on, as with the above grid allows for inline creation and editing as well as deletion and it is all nicely tied into a pre-loaded cache to keep things running fairly smoothly once the application is initially started.

According to my main menu, Day #3 will probably revolve around implementing a management screen for Customers. This one will be a bit more work. My brother wants to be able to plug in a customer and be able to see all of their orders as well. This means more than one table, not hard, just more work.

Anyway, that is the work so far on the newest addition to my projects.


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