Neural Networks

OK It has been a while. Since I haven't been blogging I've been getting lazy with my own programming (and a bunch of other stuff as well). I had talked before about potentially starting back at square one with my AI stuff, but now I've decided to dive right into Neural Nets. I will have to touch on a lot of the other stuff as well since I will be able use AI to assist in the learning of the Neural net. The example I found online is using genetic algorithms in training the neural net, I figure that depending on what I decide to do I can probably use a couple of different AI techniques along the way and in that way wrap a whole bunch of things up in one project.

So I just need to decide what I want it to do. As usual, goal is to find something relevant enough that it won't be trivial but something small enough that I won't get derailed too easily. Generically speaking, it should be something that  has no finite "correct" answer, the correct answer won't be known until after (AI for gaming) or something where calculating the exact answer is NP complete (TSP problem).

Lets say I'll try and have an idea by Sunday.


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