Back to the V3.0 of the application.

So, I started back on Veronica's software anticipating writing the version 3.0. Curse my poor memory.

I don't want to use EMF because of the features I would be losing with an existing framework, but without using EMF I can't seem to make nHibernate work with .Net 4.0. This project was back before I discovered fluent nHibernate which I suppose gives me a leg up since I only need to wait on one technology to catch up as opposed to 2 of them. Not having fluent here isn't a problem since I already spent the time in V2.0 to manually write the XMLs and I don't want to change the database, at least not until I have the existing functionality up and running in the new code base.

Will have to check the nHibernate web site to see if they have updated their stuff or if I can find a work around. I don't technically need .Net 4.0... but I want to keep this as new as possible, since it will make a better reference project for future works that way... any way. Short today as I'm off soon, another weekend where I have everything planned.



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