Progress hopefully...

Well I haven't posted in a few days, but to keep the ball rolling I thought I would throw out some updates. Last night I puttered around while Veronica was busy in a vain attempt to fill in the chasm of code the auto-generated XAML left in my last demo project. After investing a substantial chunk of time into it, I decided to shift my focus back to scouring the web for more tutorials.

I hit a number of useless ones, but then eventually stumbled onto this site from somewhere else. The brief description I found on the page leading up to it called it non-trivial tutorial that was complex enough to useful and yet simple enough so that you don't get caught up in too much useless information. Sounded right up my alley. And the from the introduction it is looking like this is certainly the case.

I've just started the video on the first child window, so I haven't actually bound anything to the screen elements (so in a sense I'm further behind than I was before), but the sample application is able to view and add which means that the data binding in this example will go further than simply dragging and dropping elements to hook up the bindings for viewing, so ultimately I should get further in the end.

Also, guitar has kind of been falling behind. I've got to a point where I can play the intro riff to Gotten fairly well, but otherwise, no progress.


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