Man, I already don't feel like I have any spare time left in this world, but after picking up the latest Slash solo album I really want to dive back into playing guitar. There are a handful of the types of songs on there that I really loved to play that also happen to sound ludicrously good. The leader is Starlight which sounds instrumentally like what I would expect would happen if Jimi Hendrix and Slash had collaborated on a song like Little Wing, the vocals are astounding and while I couldn't sing to save my life it often impacted my decision on songs I wanted to learn (you gotta enjoy what you do, so as a musician you gotta play songs you like and the vocals are a part of it), then the lyrics themselves are great. Just a nice anthem that flows and fits perfectly, I just keep coming back to it on my playlist.
Then there is By The Sword which I really only like the opening riff, but like it enough to pick up a guitar for it, and Promise which is really like a heavier rock anthem, sounds fairly simply but catchy and fun.
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