Recipe Tracker: Change of Direction

So, I decided this morning that I want to scale down my plans for the recipe tracker application. Originally I had wanted to do a separate server app so that I could handle both Silverlight and WPF applications. With things going the way they are at work, I'm just not feeling motivated when I get home and I'm sure I will hit bumps in the road to further deter and slow my progress. While I have no timeline on this application or the one for which I'm writing it as a learning experience, I think I should start setting myself some dates as I have some other things I want to get done after this. Firstly, Veronica needs a web site. I could write a quick one in an hour, but I would like to try my hand in the web design region a little more, so perhaps I will use that as my forum for starting my first Silverlight application. And then I want to start my side project software company for businesses in the Barrie area.

So, there will be substantially fewer projects being added. I will have a project to hold the View, and then a project to hold the View-Model in addition to what I already have. The project where I have the View-Model is where the business logic will live. The objects I'm going to create in the View-Model project which inherit the ICommand interface will now process the business logic directly as opposed to farming it out to a call on a server application.

Hopefully this change will keep me working on it.



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