Recipe Tracker: Abandoned!

Took a long walk tonight and thought about a number of things. One of those things was what I wanted to do with my life and my eventual goal to start a software business on the side. The conclusion I came to was that, as of my last iteration, the Recipe Tracker application has finally completed serving its true purpose. It was meant as a prototyping exercise to get me more familiar with WPF as well as working with it in the confines of the frameworks I wanted to use. And I'm there now. I hit a lot of pitfalls along the way, but now that I'm over them, the remainder of this project would just be repeating the things I now know how to do (which wouldn't be a wasted thing, but I will be doing that anyway, just in a real world project). Also, as I got to working with it, I also realized that it wouldn't really be something I would ever actually use. The idea wasn't a bad one, it just wasn't the right one. It also, successfully works as a tutorial on the various technologies and I feel it does better than most of the ones I've seen which typically just showcase one aspect in one screen and rarely if ever show how real world interactions could/would work. And lastly, because it was a prototype and place to hit the pitfalls, the code is in shambles and needs to be re-factored anyway. Saved me from making similar mistakes in the main application for which I'm grateful.

Will this be the very last upload of the Recipe Tracker application? I doubt it. There are a bunch of aspects of WPF I didn't get into. I would eventually like to make or at least apply custom themes to windows as well as working with visual effects and the 3D rendering functionality. When that time comes, I won't want to be doing it in a serious project first and this is now enough of a starting point with enough varying elements that it will be a great place to start. I may even finish this application if I find enough other things I need to prototype elsewhere first. But active development is now going to switch back to Veronica's application so I can get a WPF application that is actually being used in a real world environment first.

Update: Change of directions. Moments after I posted the blog entry, a better idea came to me. One of the reasons I have a blog is an inefficient one. To keep details about what I'm doing organized. I have to log in and dig through posts to find the relevant bits where I said what I had planned. And I have always believed that any software development company should build and use their own tools anywhere it makes sense. You will never be more forced to produce better code than when your own business relies on it. So, my first project is going to be a tool to track my development projects. Log which projects I have, which are active, what the planned components are, what bugs are found that need to be resolved, assign myself deadlines, etc....Essentially my own digital project manager.



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